How to Save Money on Your Home Mortgage
One of the biggest and most important reoccurring expenses people have in their lives is the mortgage payment on their home. This expense can either be paid each month in a smaller amount or once a year in a larger lump sum. Here are some things you can start doing right now to make an impact.
Consider a Mortgage Refinance Option
This option involves taking out a new loan in order to pay your current loan off in one go and save interest payments. According to Freddie Mac, most refinance borrowers can reduce interest rates by about 0.70 percentage points. Refinancing can be a chance to renegotiate the terms of your loan and get lower payment amounts. This option can help save a significant amount of money on a mortgage.
Make Extra Payments When You Can
Making extra payments can also help you pay down your home mortgage loan faster and save you money on interest payments and managerial fees. Even adding 10-20 dollars to each month’s payment, making more with your yearly payment, or making an additional full payment at some point in the year can all be ways of doing this. If you can, making extra payments is a great way to shorten loan lifespans.
End Your PMI Early to Save Money
Homeowners who are only able to put down less than 20% as a down payment on a conventional mortgage loan generally will have to pay what is known as private mortgage insurance-PMI. Most lenders require this to protect themselves if the lender defaults on the loan payback agreements. Making extra payments designated for this expense can help you reach the threshold where it no longer applies.
Review Budget and Spending Habits
The final way you can speed up the loan payback process and save money on your home mortgage is to look at your spending habits everywhere else. Can you shift your budget and spending focus to free up some more money to go towards the mortgage? Giving up cable that you never really watch for the sake of paying that debt off faster might be something to consider in order to free yourself up later on.
The time it takes to pay off a home mortgage loan will depend on a number of factors, as will the final cost of your premiums. It is possible, however, to save money while still paying off this vital loan by following some of these tips for faster home mortgage payoffs.